Consider These Tips Before Getting a Dumpster for a Remodel Project

by | Jan 6, 2022 | Uncategorized

If you are planning a home remodel project, there are various details you need to plan in advance. One of those details involves determining which waste disposal in NJ company you will work with and which type of dumpster will be best for your project.

Before getting a dumpster from a company that does waste management recycling in Trenton, NJ, you need to know how much waste you will be getting rid of. Think about taking down old kitchen cabinets, ripping up the floors, getting rid of the carpet, removing old appliances, or tearing down drywall.

The next step is to choose the size of the dumpster that will be appropriate for your project. It is likely that the waste disposal in NJ company will provide the dumpster size options they have available and the costs associated with each one. It is common for dumpsters to hold anywhere from 50 to 250 trash bags’ worth of waste. Choosing the right size dumpster means you won’t need to rent another one from a company that does waste management recycling in Trenton, NJ, or you won’t pay for space that will not be used.

It is important for you to find out if you need a permit to rent a dumpster. Part of this has to do with where the dumpster will be placed while working on the project. If it is in your driveway, you may not need a permit. However, if you use a public space, like the street, you will probably need one.

Learn how Horizon Disposal Services has offered dumpster rental and recycling services for construction and demolition projects since 2000 by visiting their website.

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