Why Digital Parking is the Way to Go for a Space in Seattle, WA

by | Aug 3, 2023 | Parking

If you think that reserving a parking space online is simply a passing fad, then you might want to reconsider that notion. In fact, there are many reasons why so many people are digitally reserving Seattle Center parking.

Fast Option

When you rent a parking space in the traditional manner, it can take an abundance of precious time. With digital reservations, all you need to do is look for your desired space on the app, click the reserve button, and then submit payment. It really is as easy as that.


When you book ahead for your parking space, there is no driving around in circles hoping that someone leaves and frees up a spot, nor is there the danger of showing up and there not being a parking spot at all. You’ll know in advance that there is a space waiting for you as well as exactly where that space will be.

Payments Are Secure

Instead of waiting in line with a large wad of cash on your person, reserved parking spaces are paid for strictly with credit or debit cards. This means you don’t need to worry about getting mugged and losing all of your hard-earned cash.

Easily Renew

If you need to stay longer than you had originally booked, it is very easy to simply top up your duration simply by logging into the app and extending your Seattle Center parking reservation.

For more information about reserving a parking space online, please contact Park Seattle.

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