Apartment Communities: Choices for Students Not Wanting to Live on Campus

by | Jun 12, 2024 | Student Housing Center

Men and women getting ready to begin their university studies sometimes have choices about where they will live. Not all universities require freshmen to live on campus, which feels advantageous to many individuals. ISU student apartments located close to campus are appealing opportunities for these new Ames residents.

A Student’s Concern

Some prospective university students worry that they won’t fit in while living in a residence hall. They have characteristics that set them apart from the majority. Even when a university is supportive and has organizations representing these individuals, living with so many other people can be anxiety-provoking. These men and women never know whether another student on their floor might disapprove of them or even be openly antagonistic.

Feeling More Comfortable

Another possibility is choosing a university with inclusive housing. In some instances, this is a residence hall floor. Certain colleges even offer an entire residence hall for inclusive housing. Nevertheless, new students who are anxious about these living arrangements will likely feel more comfortable in off-campus ISU student apartments.


In some cases, romantic partners want to live together while attending college. For various reasons, universities generally discourage this type of on-campus living arrangement. Finding a comfortable apartment community within walking distance of the school allows them to share a home and the financial costs associated with it.

Independence and Privacy

Living in an apartment community gives students more independence and privacy. Being very close to the school almost feels like living on campus without any of the downsides. Learn about BlockONE by visiting https://blockoneames.com/.

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