Stay Healthy and Work On-the-Go with an Active Station Treadmill Workstation Desk

by | Sep 1, 2021 | Furniture

Whether you need to break up the monotony of your day-to-day work life or you are a fitness enthusiast who dreads sitting for hours on end, the Active Station Treadmill Workstation Desk provides a solution to your problems. With a treadmill workstation, it is easy to stay on the move even while you are completing daily tasks and business activities.

A More Active Lifestyle

Sitting still is not only bad for your cardiovascular health, but it can also result in weight gain and the development of other chronic health conditions. Most business professionals live busy lifestyles with little time to contribute to exercise, so what better way is there to get moving than while you are working. The treadmill workstation gives true meaning to multitasking in a way that can benefit your health.

Product Information

The best treadmill workstation desk can be purchase in two height options, which include a 48″ or 72″ layout. Users can change the speed of the treadmill and height of the desk via a center console. Distance and calorie tracking are also made simple with a single button.

Fast Shipping

Once you have decided the treadmill work desk is an investment you would like to make, you may be astounded by how quickly it can be shipped to you. As the only treadmill desk that is shipped within a 24-hour timeframe from the time of order, you can on your way to a healthier and happier workday in no time.

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