Top Signs it’s Time to Call for Emergency Heating Repair

by | Jan 17, 2020 | Uncategorized

If you’re wondering whether you need to call for emergency heating repair in NJ, the following signs will help you decide if the time is right.

Furnace Issues

Most of the concerns that would cause you to need emergency heating repair involve issues with your furnace. Here are some of the most common furnace issues that call for emergency heating repair:

  • You smell rotten eggs or a burning odor
  • The flame is yellow instead of blue
  • The fan’s not turning off
  • You hear strange sounds emitting from the furnace
  • The carbon monoxide detector is triggered
  • Cool air is coming out of the ducts
  • The furnace won’t turn on at all

In addition, if you have a natural gas system, then the pilot light should always be blue. If it turns yellow, you should also call for emergency heating repair.

In all of these cases an emergency heating repair service can help you remedy the problem and get your home heating system up and running smoothly and efficiently again.

Other Heating System Issues

In addition to problems with the furnace, other problems could impact your heating system’s ability to properly heat your home. For one, the thermostat might not work. This could be due to a mechanical problem or a leak in your ductwork. Speaking of ductwork, if your home heats unevenly, it could indicate a clog somewhere in your ductwork.

If you live in New Jersey and are seeking emergency heating repair, look no further than First Choice Heating and Cooling in Metuchen.

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