What You Should Know When Choosing Custom Metal Fascia for Your Home

by | Mar 23, 2021 | Uncategorized

While it is important to choose the right type of fascia for your overhang, you don’t have to sacrifice beauty for functionality. Fascia come in a variety of materials, sizes and colors that allow you to protect your home in a decorative way. If you have been searching for custom metal fascia in Phoenix AZ, here are some tips to help you out.

Choosing Your Material

Although fascia are available in wood, metal and vinyl, each material has its own benefit. However, if you are more concerned with durability and resilience, then aluminum is the better choice for you. These type of fascia don’t require lots of maintenance and eliminate the need for painting.

Customizing Your Options

Although white is a common choice, you can choose whatever color fascia best complements your home. You can even choose a style that only looks like natural wood if that is your aesthetic. Try to consider your siding as well as your roof in order to pick the style and color fascia that will work well.

When ordering custom metal fascia in Phoenix, AZ, you can have them designed in a way that covers up any beams or exposed wood. When coming up with a budget, keep in mind that certain materials, such as natural wood, tend to be the most expensive of the bunch. Not only can aluminum save you money, but you’ll also save time as this material requires no painting, scraping, et cetera.


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