Zinc-Nickel Plating Services

by | Dec 7, 2023 | Metals

Though naturally strong, metals go through a variety of processes to improve strength and durability. For industrial uses, these services can wind up being a difference maker throughout the manufacturing process.

In order to ensure that processes such as zinc-nickel plating go according to plan, a zinc-nickel plating company is a must. Learn more about the procedures and services provided by the right plating company.


Zinc-nickel goes through a process known as electroplating. This process uses an electrical current to coat a conductive object – such as metal – with a thin layer of material. That material can be quality zinc-nickel, zinc plating, or zinc-iron plating.

The goal is to improve the corrosion protection qualities of that object. Additionally, plating improves the aesthetic quality of the piece as well. This can provide better wear and abrasion resistance while also allowing for things such as binding rubber to metal.


One of the most common types of plating is zinc-nickel plating. With an experienced coating company, the quality is better than you would find anywhere else. This has to do with the latest and greatest in process control equipment, ensuring a better finished product than some other low-cost options.

The process will pass most specifications, including rubber to metal bonding, post plating swaging, high spray hours, cyclic corrosion testing, galvanic corrosion resistance, and even Kesternich testing. In the end, it results in a stronger, more durable, better-looking product, especially compared to cheaper, subpar plating contractors.

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